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A connected Team Building

Whether your team is dispatched across the country or even internationally, VTBT has the solution: a teleworking Team Building for your staff !

VTBT had the idea to develop connected Team Building through its virtual games, allowing you to virtually explore the monuments and streets of several cities around the world, solving a series of online puzzles !





You will have one hour, and not a minute more, for your teams to walk the streets of several cities around the world with Google Street View and solve our puzzles. Each team will have a specific conference room to chat, think and solve as many puzzles as possible in the allotted time.
A computer, a little brainpower and a lot of team spirit will be the key weapons required to complete this quest.

Let the competition begin !

During your private session of connected Team Building, your staff will be divided into groups of 4 to 8 people on a videoconference and instant messaging platform.
At the end of the adventure, all participants will gather on the same videoconference for the announcement of the results and the unveiling of the podium!

Necessary equipment

To make your adventure as enjoyable as possible and to communicate easily withyour colleagues, all you need is a good internet connection, a computer, tablet orsmartphone (although a computer is far more capable of providing the best gaming experience). An up-to-date internet browser to open the session link, and a pair ofheadphones to limit parasitic noises are also highly recommended.

An example of a reservation

Let’s take a Team Building of 120 people: 15 teams will have already been formed prior to the event, for example on the Zoom videoconference service that your company may already use for its remote meetings. Then on the day, the adventure could start at 10am for example, with the primary videoconference (briefing) followed by the hour of play (in each teams’ individual videoconference). At around 11:15 am, all the teams will rejoin the primary videoconference for a debriefing and the results. A unique way to discover the world in a fun way with colleagues, from the comfort of your own home!

Our Scenarios

Investigate the Islands !

Visiting England, Ireland, Scotland & Wales, you will discover popular seaside resorts, pretty villages and historical locations – and uncover their little secrets along the way! As you traverse each location, each with their own riddle, your goal is to gain as many points as possible in the alotted time. Working in teams with your co-workers, you need to determine the best strategy to be crowned the winners !

Discover the secrets of Europe!

Do you feel like spreading your wings ? Would you like to know the ‘old’ continent a little better ? Go on a voyage (virtually) across Europe ! All whilst solving riddles and discovering little secrets in well-known places, in teams, with your co-workers and network.

Discover the secrets of Europe!

The perfect challenge for the adventurer who misses travelling. You will cross the planet, discovering places of cultural importance, enabling you to answer our riddles: as many as possible before the stopwatch ends! Collaborate with your co-workers and choose the best strategy to finish on top!

Q & A

Do we need to know the places visited to participate ?

It is not necessary for your employees to be experts on the places to be explored,quite the opposite! Our Virtual Exploration Games allow the discovery of new places, and our fun scenarios are all fully resolvable without ever having set foot in the places visited virtually. The participants will all start on the same footing, promoting the emergence of fresh ideas and reinforming the group solidarity during the online team building activity.


What do we need to play ?

If your co-workers are remote teleworking, they should already have everything they need! A computer, an internet connection, and videoconference equipment. Your co-workers will be organised into different conferences, according to the number of teams – all your co-workers have to do is click on a link to join in.  We will handle everything else !


How do the videoconferences work ?

To simplify the access to your co-workers, we recommend using the videoconference tools of your preference (that you already use internally, typically). We are therefore able to lead your session on Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Skype, Starleaf, Cisco etc…The event starts with a conference gathering all the co-workers for the initial briefing, which will include the rules of the game. Each participant will then need to go to their respective conference in order to start solving the puzzles. Our Game Masters will then regularly join each team’s conference to help the investigators in need ! At the end of the game time, everyone goes back to the initial conference, and we will then proceed to the announcement of the results… An atmosphere of fun and gentle and teasing is guaranteed between the teams !


How many participants can you accommodate ?

In order to ensure the best gaming experience, we advise you to not exceed 8 people per conference (and therefore per team). On the other hand, you can play with many more people in total ! We have the capacity to run several sessions simultaneously, on the same circuit. At the end of the sessions, we bring everyone back to the same conference, for the announcement of the results and the winning team ! Your employees will be seduced by these fun online activities.


Is this a private session ?

Absolutely! Only your co-workers will play during the session. The idea is to be able to offer the best experience to each team, and to keep everyone on the same equal footing in the competition… And no, none of our Game Masters can be bribed for extra clues !


Do I need to download something to play ?

No, it is not necessary to download anything in order to play! A computer with a good internet connection is all you need! During your session you will have access to the videoconference(s), riddles, and answer form due to the links that will be sent to you during your session. Everything is online!



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